本記事は、Sansan Advent Calendar 2024の3日目の記事です。
- Logical: 非圧縮なデータの論理サイズに対して課金
- Physical: 圧縮されたデータの物理サイズ + タイムトラベルやフェイルセーフ用の圧縮された物理サイズに対して課金
- データの更新や削除が頻繁に発生する場合
- 圧縮率が低いデータを扱う場合
Datasetの課金モデルごとの料金は、TABLE_STORAGE ビューを使用し確認できます。1
declare active_logical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.02; declare long_term_logical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.01; declare active_physical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.04; declare long_term_physical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.02; with table_storages as ( select table_schema as dataset_name , deleted -- Logical , active_logical_bytes , long_term_logical_bytes -- Physical , active_physical_bytes , long_term_physical_bytes , time_travel_physical_bytes , fail_safe_physical_bytes from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE_BY_PROJECT` where table_type in( 'BASE TABLE' , 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' ) ) , storage_sizes as ( select dataset_name -- Logical , sum(if(deleted = false, active_logical_bytes, 0)) / power(1024, 3) as active_logical_gib , sum(if(deleted = false, long_term_logical_bytes, 0)) / power(1024, 3) as long_term_logical_gib -- Physical , sum(active_physical_bytes - time_travel_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as active_no_tt_physical_gib , sum(long_term_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as long_term_physical_gib -- Restorable previously deleted physical , sum(time_travel_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as time_travel_physical_gib , sum(fail_safe_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as fail_safe_physical_gib from table_storages group by dataset_name ) select dataset_name, (active_logical_gib * active_logical_gib_price) + (long_term_logical_gib * long_term_logical_gib_price) as logical_cost_per_month , ((active_no_tt_physical_gib + time_travel_physical_gib + fail_safe_physical_gib) * active_physical_gib_price) + (long_term_physical_gib * long_term_physical_gib_price) as physical_cost_per_month from storage_sizes order by dataset_name;
declare active_logical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.02; declare long_term_logical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.01; declare active_physical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.04; declare long_term_physical_gib_price FLOAT64 default 0.02; for iter in ( with table_storages as ( select table_schema as dataset_name , deleted -- Logical , active_logical_bytes , long_term_logical_bytes -- Physical , active_physical_bytes , long_term_physical_bytes , time_travel_physical_bytes , fail_safe_physical_bytes from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE_BY_PROJECT` where table_type in( 'BASE TABLE' , 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' ) ) , schemata as ( select schema_name as dataset_name from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA` ) , schemata_options as ( select schema_name as dataset_name , option_value as storage_billing_model from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_OPTIONS` where option_name = 'storage_billing_model' ) , asis_storage_billing_models as ( select schemata.dataset_name , coalesce(schemata_options.storage_billing_model, 'LOGICAL') as storage_billing_model from schemata left join schemata_options using (dataset_name) ) , storage_sizes as ( select dataset_name -- Logical , sum(if(deleted = false, active_logical_bytes, 0)) / power(1024, 3) as active_logical_gib , sum(if(deleted = false, long_term_logical_bytes, 0)) / power(1024, 3) as long_term_logical_gib -- Physical , sum(active_physical_bytes - time_travel_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as active_no_tt_physical_gib , sum(long_term_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as long_term_physical_gib -- Restorable previously deleted physical , sum(time_travel_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as time_travel_physical_gib , sum(fail_safe_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) as fail_safe_physical_gib from table_storages group by dataset_name ) , storage_costs as ( select dataset_name, (active_logical_gib * active_logical_gib_price) + (long_term_logical_gib * long_term_logical_gib_price) as logical_cost_per_month , ((active_no_tt_physical_gib + time_travel_physical_gib + fail_safe_physical_gib) * active_physical_gib_price) + (long_term_physical_gib * long_term_physical_gib_price) as physical_cost_per_month from storage_sizes ) , tobe_storage_billing_models as ( select dataset_name , case when logical_cost_per_month > physical_cost_per_month then 'PHYSICAL' when logical_cost_per_month < physical_cost_per_month then 'LOGICAL' else null end as storage_billing_model from storage_costs ) , final as ( select asis.dataset_name , tobe.storage_billing_model from asis_storage_billing_models as asis join tobe_storage_billing_models as tobe using (dataset_name) where asis.storage_billing_model != tobe.storage_billing_model ) select * from final ) do begin execute immediate format( ''' alter schema `%s` set options ( storage_billing_model = @storage_billing_model ); ''' , iter.dataset_name ) using iter.storage_billing_model as storage_billing_model; exception when error then case when @@error.message not like '%Change of storage billing model is not allowed since the previous switch happened%' then select error(@@error.message); end case; end; end for;
- DatasetごとにLogicalとPhysicalの料金を計算する
- 現状の課金モデルと、理想的な課金モデルが異なるDatasetを抽出する
- Datasetごとの設定を変更する
- Dataset名は変数としてクエリにbindはできません。
そのため、execute immediateを使用してクエリを実行しています。 - ストレージ課金モデルは、1度変更した後に再度変更するには14日間待つ必要があり3、その間に変更しようとするとエラーになります。
そのため、その旨のエラーメッセージが返却された場合はその処理をスキップし、処理継続をするようにしています。 - あくまでも実績値を元に課金モデルを選択しており、将来的にコストが最安になることを保証するものではない点にご留意ください。
- データの特性に応じて適切な課金モデルの自動選択し、ストレージコストを削減する
- 運用負荷の軽減