Sansan Tech Blog


economics, meets, data, science の検索結果:


はじめに 技術本部 R&D の小松です。先日、一橋大学の手島健介教授より『経済セミナー』2023年2・3月号をご恵贈いただきました。 手島教授はその中で「米国経済学会データエディター制度の取り組み 再現性向上のためのreplicationチェック」を書かれています。私たちが『経済セミナー』にて「実証研究マネジメントのためのツールキット」の連載時に、手島教授を始めとした研究者の皆さんに草稿を確認いただいたのですが、このトピックはその際に出た議論…

We joined the ASSA 2023!

…ations in Economics. It is well known for being the association behind high-impact journals such as the American Economic Review.So as you may imagine this is a big and very important event for researchers in Economics. It represents a very…

R のパッケージ {targets} にコントリビュートした話


はじめに 研究開発部の小松です。 本記事は Sansan Advent Calendar 2022 の17日目の記事になります。 普段こちらのブログではネットワーク経済学をテーマに細々と書いています。今回は少し話題を変えて、日頃の分析でお世話になっている R のパッケージ {targets} に (半年ぐらい前になりますけれど) OSSコントリビュートした話をします。

The Economics of Blockchain Energy Consumption: A Short Review

Economics Meets Data Science Hi there!. I'm Juan, from Sansan R&D's SocSci Group. Today's post is about blockchains. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have been in the spotlight for the last year. About one year ago Bitcoin was rec…

We Held a Global Mini-Conference!

…t Network Economics: Applications and Challenges. Many methods employed in Economics assume that observations are independent from each other. However, network data is the exact opposite setting! It is because observations are related in so…

Economics Meets Data Science: Reproducible Research with R

…search in Economics. In fact, we released a three-part series on the subject, covering topics from version control management with Git, computational reproducibility with Docker, and agile management of research projects with tools such as …

Economics Meets Data Science: Finite Mixture Models - A Christmas Story

…dition of Economics Meets Data Science.This time I'd like to discuss one class of models that is widely used in Economics and yet many people haven't tried yet: Finite Mixture Models (FMMs). What are Finite Mixture Models (a lazy explanatio…

Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series Part IV

…:781-831. Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series, Part I Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series, Part II Economics Meets Data Science: Coding With Style Economics Meets Data Science: The Struc…

勉強会「Econ Fiesta」を実施しました

…tructural Economics as OSS speakerdeck.com発表者: Juan Martínez・西田 貴紀 (Sansan株式会社 DSOC 研究開発部)概要: 経済学の理論と実証を合わせた構造推定は、反実仮想分析など意思決定場面でユニークな洞察を与えうる魅力的な分析手法である。しかしその実行は容易ではなく、その一因として構造推定のためのライブラリが少なく、手軽に実行することができない点がある。そうした参入障壁を下げることを目的として、Sansan …

Hands-on guidance to DGL library _ (2) NodeFlow Data Structure


Hi, I am XING LI, a researcher from Sansan DSOC. Last time, we briefly discussed the DGL(Deep Graph Library) and one of its fundamental mechanisms: Message Passing. Today, we are going to explore another significant data structure: NodeFlow…

Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series Part III

Today's Agenda Hello again. I'm DSOC's Juan. It's time for the part III of the Structural Estimation Series. In the last post I described the dynamic optimization problem of Harold Zurcher according to Rust (1987), and presented some import…

Hands-on guidance to DGL library _ (1) Introduction and Message Passing

Hi, I am XING LI, a researcher from Sansan DSOC. Graph is a more general data form to describe our world. Sansan DSOC is creatively exploiting graph data to mining new value for benefitting customers. To coin a phrase, sharp tools make good…

Economics Meets Data Science: Coding With Style

…ming from Economics, my programming education was limited to punching my keyboard until STATA gave me some results. I was rarely asked to share my code because I mostly did research on my own; when I had to, the fact that everyone’s code wa…

Economics Meets Data Science: ML and Economics Together at Last

…empirical Economics, but most people don't seem to have heard of yet. The Background Since 6 years ago I have been hearing about Economics adopting (or being replaced by) Machine Learning (ML). It was at that time that Hal Varian published …

Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series, Part II

Hola again! DSOC's Juan here! It's autumn now, time to start craving pumpkin tarts and hot drinks. Recently I'm having hot matcha latte very often, maybe because it reminds me when I was a graduate student cleaning my data in some cafe arou…

Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series, Part I

…ajored in Economics when studying the undergrad back at home, then came to Japan in 2011, graduated from the PhD in Economics and joined Sansan in early 2019. Most of my research concentrates on Labor and Education Economics, both in Japan …

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